So it’s June and you think that the year is almost over It’s actually is, but your 2018 goals have not been met yet, but you know what we gotta keep it moving & pushing. If you’re like me and your between the Age of 27 and 35 like I am then it is no time to give up or quit just because the year is almost over. We have got to keep pushing honey! Because it is our year and you know what? No one else is going to do it for us it’s our time.
I was looking over my 2018 vision board in my house one day before I left and I was surprised that there were so many things on there, things that I already gave up on, ( and I worked so hard on it the day my family and I made it). But at the same time, I was astonished to find that I was also a bit happy because there were a few things on there that I wanted to do and still have the chance to do. I was talking to my mentor a few weeks back and she told me about a speaker who came to a conference that she went to, this person made reference to the 2% of people who actually accomplish their goals, becoming millionaire, business owners, even those who have before and after photos of major weight loss and increased muscle mass. Those people are the ones who looked at their goals every day, EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not just glancing at it, or acknowledging that it is in the house with them but taking the time to read through it, speaking it and looking at it purposely every day and act on them. They crossed off every single goal for that month, year, and ultimately life. Do they have superpowers, are they part of the Avengers or something? How did they do this?
Speaking to her was such an encouraging reality check for me, people are out here accomplishing goals and I am making excuses because it’s halfway through the year and I feel like it’s too late… ( seriously Jess?) Sometimes it seems hard to accomplish those goals because they are so big, vast and can seem unattainable; we try to bite off more than we can chew. That is the wrong approach, biting off as you can chew and swallow it while progressing towards the goals that we want is the better alternative. However in our nature, when we don’t accomplish a certain goal we quit NOOO!! We can’t do that. We have to reset, refresh and push through. Reset in June, not just June but this week. If July begins and you still haven’t gotten back on your goals then reset in July. There is no rule that says you cannot restart your goals. You have the free right to refresh, reset and push through at any point to have to achieve the goal and life that you wrote down.
Take some time out and reread your goals, start remembering why you wrote them down in the 1st place. Take the goals you wrote down and start looking at them again because you can because WE can. The worst thing that can happen is you being in the same place for another year. One goal of mines this year is to read 7 books. I am still struggling to read the first three that I started this year, but even if I don’t get through the full seven, I will tackle the three. Not to mention one of the books I want to read is a collection of four novels (shout out to Jane Austen). I will do it because I am setting my mind to accomplish this goal. I do not want to look back on 2018 wishing that I did all that I could possibly do to achieve my goals, that is the worse feeling. Also now that I am thirty I have to prove to myself, I can do what I set my mind to do.
Another goal is to be the fittest and healthiest shape of my life thus far. Not necessarily dropping weight just because, but physically feeling active, energized and fit, and I’ll be daaammmedd if I leave 2018 without at least pushing towards that every day to achieve that. For me this includes
Reading every day and utilizing my public library borrowing books both audio and otherwise
Pushing myself to workout 30 min-1hr for five days a outside or at least at home
Daily reading my goals out loud to myself
At the end of the day, my goal is to encourage you to refresh those goals, blow the dust off them wherever the list is at this point and get to work. As millennials, these are things we have to do for ourselves to make ourselves proud, especially with all the chaos happening in our everyday lives and in the world. Working on your personal goals is a great distraction and motivator, it keeps me encouraged, moving forward, pushing through and focused on the bigger picture. So let’s do this, not for anyone else but for you, because 2018 is NOT over yet.
Be Blessed Jessica