It’s October a.k.a. fall season! I absolutely love fall, it’s one of my favorite seasons because it signals a change in a not so subtle way. Thought I live in Florida and there are not many significant changes to show that fall has arrived, I reminisce of living in Brooklyn, New York and feeling the crisp chill in the air, seeing the leaves changing color from green to rust, and the excitement of being able to start wearing cool, black, leather jackets that everyone was rocking; I can recall the leathery smell. I could feel the change on my skin with the crisp, windy breeze. Such a shock to my system I sensed it in my bones always reminding me that the earth has a cycle of change; every few months a new season makes its appearance. This is how Earth was designed. I believe that we also should embrace and incorporate circulation of change in our own lives.
Speaking of change, in the last few years, I have noticed that when October comes around I feel more sluggish, stressed, irritated and frustrated with life, work, family and even myself (anybody else?). The feeling of depression and lack of motivation tends to seep in around this time as well, some change huh? Being aware of this now, I do my best to remove and adjust things in my life to gain some balance and re-energize, similar to the fallen leaves in autumn. Funny how that works, the trees experience fall by releasing the leaves that sprung from the beginning of the year in order to survive for the winter that quickly approaches. After the shedding and preservation brand new, thriving, green leaves grow back the following spring signaling another season. The required shedding allows the trees to conserve every ounce of water that is already in them to withstand the hard, cold, brutal winter that is inevitable. Basically, the trees release access baggage to save itself and prepare to survive the unavoidable and necessary change that lies ahead. (Read that sentence again!)
So what can I do to fight those feelings of fatigue, stress, and depression this time of year (right before the holidays really begins ?) One word: Boost. A boost! Something different to energizes and encourage me. A reminder life is to be enjoyed not stressed over. Sometimes we get so stuck in our heads or the day to day life we live that we never look up to notice the leaves change, the fresh breeze or the good that has happened in this year. Here are a few things you can start to do today to fight those feelings, and give you an energy burst to finish the month and prepare for the busy holiday season ahead:
JUST GO! drive or fly a trip away (does have to be extravagant)
Pick up a hobby or research a new skill and start doing it (show it off at Christmas)
List 10 things you are grateful for; (including progress made over the years)
Change your diet (drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies)
Shut it down, shut it off (take specific time during the week to meditate & dream)
Those are all action required suggestions. Is there one that can help you be a balanced better you? pick one that will alleviate stress, seasonal depression, and the mundane. One that will drastically change and jumpstart your mood, attitude, and energy. Think of it as lightening your load similar to the shedding of leaves. Giving up something for a season to become who you need to be for the next shift coming. Don’t keep doing what’s familiar and expect to be the October blues. Start Today!
I am currently doing the last two tips to get myself out of the funk October can sometimes bring. What are you gonna do? Share it.
Know Him, Know You