Happy New Year Everyone! The holidays came and went with joy and sadness for some, but I hope that happy memories were made. Over the holidays the temperatures would dip and rise every other day , causing a couple of people to get sick and the sniffles. Even here in florida the temperatures would dip into the 50’s, that may not be cold for my family and friends up north but after being in Florida for so long I am definitely use to the warmer weather year round. So my solution for those nights with dipped low temperatures? SOUP!
I used the ingredients I had on hand to create the delicious Shrimp & Lentil soup. I posted the picture of it last week and promised the recipe and how to’s details soon. As promised, see below. A quick tip for soup lovers like myself, the best soups are made with fresh and frozen ingredients, and any leftovers you have on hand. This includes leftover cooked grains, beans, and rice.
For this recipe I created a pdf to download or just view at your fingerprints. Perfect for those who want to print or like the convenience of reading on your phone.
Happy Cooking!