There is nothing worse than traveling and over spending on your trip. Having a flexible trip budget inclusive of all the good food you want to try is beneficial and keeps the regret that can sometimes happen when back home.
If Possible go with cash or have a cash debit card .
Cash debit Card?
If you want to avoid the dread of spending a bit to much while on vacation consider a cash debit card. I myself use a cash card add send money to the account before I leave on trips. This helps me to :
A. Spend within the limit I gave myself
B. Not have to use my personal bank debit or credit card in case there is fraud
C. If is convenient, typically if I do splurge on something while on a trip it is easy to add a quick $20 to the card without having to log into my bank.
Another way to save money while traveling is to google cheap and good eats on some days of your trip. Before you give me the confused face hear me out. Clearly going on vacation means enjoying yourself with food, experiences and more, however if you are also wanting to do it on the inexpensive tip it is possible to have the best of both worlds. I recommend having some meals be cheap eats. While in Puerto Rico with friends this past February we made a point to have cheap lunches and indulge in dinner. Our breakfast varied from day to day thankfully there was a cute bistro near by that helped provide delicious tea and coffee.
Last tip, plan ahead. Everything on a trip does not need to be planned in advanced, however it is great to have a few options for each meal so that if one place has a long wait you have a plan b. Nothing is worse than being hungry and having to wait 30 minutes to two hours ( yes it happens) for a meal. Do yo and your friends a favor ( friendships can temporarily fall out over hunger lol) and send a few options, just in case. And call ahead if you can to ensure that wait times are what you are hoping them to be.
I hope these tips help.
Till next time,