As happy as Christmas should be it can typically onset a lot of sadness, depression, and emptiness. How can one be a surprise when this time of year growing up was one way and as an adult, it changed drastically. Though times were not easy there was a sense of genuine joy, happiness, and excitement in the air growing up. Nowadays life seems to have gotten more stressful and less happy but can this be changed? Being older I now realize how commercialized, insincere and hollow the Christmas holiday has become.
It’s increasingly apparent that there is an all to familiar tinge of despair in the air with the increased amount of suicides, deaths, and murders in the U.S. especially in the month of December. Even me being as chipper and happy as I generally am, have felt so down when the month of December begins, it’s not as happy or merry as I remember it was as a child. I want to change that. I believe that we can embrace and speak an expialadocious, splendid month into reality, thanks Mary Popins. We have the power to be the change, joy, peace, and happiness we want to see in our home, work, family, and month. Notice I didn’t say the world, (Baby steps people, baby steps ), it starts with your day to day interactions with self and others to create this joy, slightly resembling the one we grew up knowing as intimately as your breath.
So how can we begin to make December a month of bliss, joy and gleeful as an Adult? I’m so glad you asked.
First: Watch the cheesy Christmas movies and decorate your home as you can. I do not mean deck the halls and make your home the north pole. However, putting up a few Christmas lights and decoration while watching sappy Christmas movies do release some endorphins and can feel nostalgic. You know that feeling of seeing lights on a big house or tree? yea that feeling!
Then: Smile and laugh. Do I need to explain? The benefits of smiling and laughing are endless (even at small stuff), alleviates stress, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, builds connections, lightens mood, releases endorphins plus more. “a joyful heart is like good medicine” (wise Proverb). If you don’t believe as a doctor.
Lastly: Pray and meditate. You may not believe in God or a higher power, but I know from experience that there is something amazing that happens when you sit still, acknowledge Him and release what’s in your heart. It’s therapeutic. It is also restorative to the soul, mind, and body. A wise old book I read said: “In all things by praying earnestly and humbly, with thanksgiving release”. Releasing and giving thanks go hand in hand.
These are bold ask I know especially if you are already forecasting the month to suck or be gloomy. But take some time out try them and for a week, then evaluate if your mood and environment have shifted positively. I know it will and others will notice. We can do this!
Cheers to an intentional December,